Our Mission Statement




Castlegate and Derwent Surgery aims to work with our patients in a lifetime partnership to promote their health and wellbeing.

We will:

  • Provide high quality health care in a responsive, supportive, courteous and caring manner.
  • Provide a service which puts our community of 18,000 patient's welfare at the heart of all we do.
  • Strive to offer continuity of care that integrates with wider health, social and third sector organisations.
  • Work within the framework of NHS Primary Care Services to provide professional medical, nursing and other services which meet the identified needs of patients.
  • Promote best practice through utilising specialist expertise within the practice team and externally and encouraging the continuous professional development of all members of the practice team.
  • Nurture a culture which is innovative, forward looking and adaptable.
  • Take into account the evidence provided by scientific and medical research in our treatment.
  • Adopt the NHS Core Values as detailed below.

NHS Core Values

Working together for patients 

We put patients first in everything we do, by reaching out to staff, patients, carers, families, communities, and professionals outside the NHS. We put the needs of patients and communities before organisational boundaries.

Respect and dignity

We value each person as an individual, respect their aspirations and commitments in life, and seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities and limits. We take what others have to say seriously. We are honest about our point of view and what we can and cannot do.

Commitment to quality of care

We earn the trust placed in us by insisting on quality and striving to get the basics right every time: safety, confidentiality, professional and managerial integrity, accountability, dependable service and good communication. We welcome feedback, learn from our mistakes and build on our successes.


We respond with humanity and kindness to each person’s pain, distress, anxiety or need. We search for the things we can do, however small, to give comfort and relieve suffering. We find time for those we serve and work alongside. We do not wait to be asked, because we care.

Improving lives 

We strive to improve health and well-being and people’s experiences of the NHS. We value excellence and professionalism wherever we find it – in the everyday things that make people’s lives better as much as in clinical practice, service improvements and innovation.

Everyone counts 

We use our resources for the benefit of the whole community, and make sure nobody is excluded or left behind. We accept that some people need more help, that difficult decisions have to be taken – and that when we waste resources we waste others’ opportunities. We recognise that we all have a part to play in making ourselves and our communities healthier.


Our aims and objectives for 2024/ 2025

  • Introduce and embed robust practice governance as outlined in the Governance Scheme of Delegation
  • Embrace a self-reflective, learning culture to improve patient care and outcomes
  • Development of clinical and professional leadership
  • Development of financial governance team to provide robust financial oversight
  • Place clinical governance and audit over and above QOF at centre of our activity
  • Maximise the relationship between the PCN and other external stakeholders 
  • Continue to utilise the GPA role within the practice team
  • Review the integration and opportunities for better team working
  • Enhance the first contact practitioner, paramedic and other new ARRS roles
  • Review and develop the medicines management system to improve safety and communication
  • Increase our medical teaching program to support the NHS in expanding the medical workforce
  • Introduce group management sessions known to improve patient education and self-management in long-term conditions
  • Drive digital access for patients including patient online access
  • Support community health promotional activities through active participation in the ICC Collaborative