Surgery Waiting Rooms




Once you arrive and let us know that you are here by using the check-in screens or at our reception desk, you will be informed which waiting area to take a seat in.

There are various seating areas in the Cockermouth Community Hospital that patients of our surgery will be directed to. These are the Orange, Green and Purple, head for that colour of chairs or follow the signage to the area.

Our clinical rooms spread from one end of the building to the other so please be sure to sit in the correct area. Our clinicians do not have a specific room allocated to them and may use a number of rooms, we are restricted on the check in screens to allocate the seating areas and on occasions have to allocate the most commonly used one for them. Not ideal but keep a listen for your name being called or we will track you down!

If your appointment is with Sheena, our First Contact Physiotherapist she is located downstairs and you should take a seat on the blue chairs at the bottom of the stairs or as you exit the lift on the lower floor.
If you need any assistance please ask one of our Reception Team to point you in the right direction.

Published: Aug 7, 2023